Recent Work

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Prototype Unidentified Phenomena

Two brother and their sister need to find where their father is after a alien abduction. Get inside the deep of the arctic to find the Unidentified Phenomena species.

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Explore with your Conrads the dark side of the moon where creatures have been spotted inside the Angular Lunar Station

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Dino 4Gravity

Get inside a world that changes from 3 to 2 dimensions inside a warped universe. 

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Plastic Blue Planet

Our hero swim into the deeps to escape and save the ocean from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

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Prototype Unidentified Phenomena

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc quam urna.

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First Chapter0

Defend the colonial base which is located inside Uterus planet from bio-robots. Upgrade your base, defeat your enemies, and Discover new planets inside this uncharted territory.